28 September 2007

i didn't know! Can I send some flowers?

this one's from a few days ago, but i only heard about it today (thanks Crystal!): it seems that GW Bush has declared Nelson Mandela dead (perhaps by decree?).

Need I say anything?

bad timing

I was in the City today with a couple of friends. Walking down Burke St, just down the hill from Parliament, I saw someone who resembled federal opposition leader Kevin Rudd. Jokingly, I turned to my friends and said "Hey look! Isn't that John Howard?"

It turns out it really was Kevin Rudd. If only I'd held my joke in a few seconds longer, he might have heard me. Damn!

24 September 2007

'Scroogled', by Cory Doctorow

[meatspace location: work]

Just came across this story by Cory Doctorow, from Radar.

I actually got to it because a friend (hi Zane!) sent me a link to this: It seems that MySpace and Facebook have plans for user data to be used for "targeted advertising."

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New word learned

[meatspace location: work]

Learned a new word today: Spime.

It was coined by Bruce Sterling (about the only cyberpunk author I missed out on back in the age of cyberpunk), and is taken to mean an object with a defined location in space and time, but also with a story (for example, not just a book itself, but what the book's about, who's selling it, how it was reviewed by all sorts of people, who's seen a review of the book, who's got it on their bookshelf, and so on, and so forth). In other words, it is not just the object itself, but how it interacts with its environment, and how its environment interact with it. Or at least that's my understanding of it.

How did I come across spimes? I'm currently reading Peter Morville's Ambient findability (and yes, I know I should have read it a good couple of years ago, but at least I'm finally reading it).

21 September 2007

a begining

[meatspace location: home]

Well, this is not the first time I start a blog, nor will it likely be the last. Hopefully I'll stick at this for a while longer than the last few times.

Now, most pieces of writing should have a purpose: Entertainment, education/instruction, whatever. The purpose of this blog, in particular, is for me to explore (with your assistance, hopefully) various themes and issues to do with the nature and practice of information, of politics, of ethics/morals, of philosophy/science/religion/how-we-got-here/what-we-do/why-we-do-it, and whatever else enters my little old mind.

Hopefully this will be an interesting exploration, hopefully it will be an entertaining exploration, and hopefully it will be a lengthy exploration. We will see.
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